Improve the return on investment of my campaigns
How can I improve the return on investment of my online campaigns?
How can I improve the return on investment of my online campaigns?
Return on investment is a difficult subject. For e-commerce websites the key metrics seem evident. They are about increasing conversion rates, lowering the cost per acquisition and generating more conversions and more turnover through each campaign.
For goals such as brand awareness, the ROI is much more difficult to measure as it concerns spontaneous or aided brand awareness, brand preference or buying intention which is data gathered based upon interviews. Proving the impact of brand campaigns on YouTube or other channels therefore is a delicate issue. So how do we quantify this? What data sets do we use?
For e-commerce companies a common goal is to maximize the revenue at the lowest cost per conversion. This requires continuous optimization of the campaigns but you also need to take attribution into account. This will allow you to get a better view of which campaigns your customers have been exposed to before their purchase and thus determine the value of each channel. Result of this is that the budget will be reallocated to those campaigns which contribute most to your success.
You need to understand what is happening on your website in the conversion funnel. At which moment do your visitors drop out of the purchase process? Where are the potential bottlenecks? What needs to be adjusted? The user experience is crucial. You may run the best campaigns in the world but if your website is not user friendly or slow then your return on investment will be low.
And please do not forget that conversion rates are also influenced by user ratings and information on price comparators.
To sum up things: In order to improve the return on investment of your campaigns you will require a three-level-approach: high quality campaigns, great user experience and positive reviews of consumers.
Our services for improving the return of your campaigns: